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Summer Bucket List for kids

Summer Bucket List for Kids

100 Activities to keep your kids busy this summer 

Summer break is around the corner and you’re kids are going to be sitting at home wanting to use every device at home. Here is a list of summer activities that I have made to help keep your kids busy  to either get them out side or to keep them busy.

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  1. Treasure hunt 
  2. Lemonade stand 
  3. Beach
  4. Zoo
  5. Park
  6. swim 
  7. Craft night 
  8. Carnival 
  9. Obstacle course 
  10. Bike ride 
  11. Three legged race 
  12. Bake something 
  13. Watch fireworks 
  14. Splash pad
  15. Fly a kite 
  16. Water gun fight 
  17. Go fishing 
  18. Water balloon fight
  19. Read a book (or 10) 
  20. Dress up 
  21. Game night
  22. Go tubing 
  23. Catch bugs 
  24. Jump rope 
  25. Frisbee 
  26. Frisbee golf 
  27. Hopscotch 
  28. Mini golf 
  29. Make s’mores 
  30. Have a fire 
  31. Basket ball
  32. Roller skating 
  33. Scavenger hunt 
  34. Go kayaking
  35. Dance 
  36. Sing 
  37. Walk
  38. Bike ride 
  39. Go camping 
  40. Blueberry picking 
  41. Dance in the ran 
  42. Blow dandelions
  43. drink from a coconut
  44. Go to a farmers market 
  45. Keep a journal 
  46. Look at the stars 
  47. Catch a frog 
  48. Pick flowers 
  49. Make a bird feeder
  50. Build a sandcastle
  51. Dig a hole to China
  52. Visit a state park 
  53. Blow bubbles 
  54. Visit an out of town library 
  55. Family Game night 
  56. Climb a tree
  57. Go for a nature walk
  58. Jump on a trampoline
  59. Feed ducks 
  60. Paint Rocks 
  61. Skip rocks
  62. Start a car wash (wash moms car)
  63. Go to a BBQ
  64. Hula Hoop
  65. Invent a game
  66. Play catch
  67. Make a blanket fort
  68. Put on a puppet show
  69. Collect Seashells
  70. Play Hide and seek
  71. Visit a farm
  72. Make healthy popsicles
  73. Watch a Thunderstorm
  74. Make homemade pizza
  75. Play flash light tag
  76. side walk chalk
  77. Jump in a puddle
  78. play in a kiddie pool
  79. Watch a sunset
  80. Watch a sunrise
  81. Make a root bear float
  82. Have a sleepover
  83. Slip n' Slide
  84. Twister
  85. Donate/volunteer at a local animal shelter
  86. Pillow fight
  87. Play capture the flag
  88. Go Bowling
  89. Make sun catchers
  90. Play Bingo
  91. Learn origami
  92. Family Band
  93. Visit a pet store
  94. Home Depot Kids Workshops
  95. Make Slime
  96. Plant a Garden
  97. Ride in a boat
  98. Take a Day trip
  99. Play Jax
  100. Tie-Dye Shirts

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