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My breast feeding Experiences.

Breast Feeding.

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When I tried breast feeding my 6 year old I was 20 and probably way to young to have children. I wasn't a teenager but I didn't have much established. I was living in Colorado mostly with different people. No where I could actually provide a safe and stable environment to raise a child. So I then moved to Missouri and planned to stay there with a very supportive, loving, kind family. I decided not to after a month or so and my bestfriend flew to St. Louis and came and got me and I moved back into my Mother's house. I delivered my first child in Brockton MA. My mom did not breast feed me. I didn't really know how to and I tried to but I gave up very easily. He was formula fed.

Now I am 26 years old. I have a daughter who will be 3 months old on the 11th of June. She is exclusively breast fed. I am going to be 100% honest. I HATE BREASTFEEDING. I have more will power this time. It is just so hard. I am not even working so I give mama's who have part-time or full-time jobs so much credit. My right boob never stays caught up. My nipples are sore. They say you lose baby weight faster while breast feeding, with my son I was skinny like the day after now almost 3 months later I still have a pouch that no amount of core strength training seems to help. ( it could also be because I was 6 years younger but still ) 

She wakes up way more to feed then my son. He pretty much slept through the night from day 1. She does sleep through the night except to eat but its way more frequent and then while I am feeding her in the middle of the night I fall asleep with her and I am so afraid of rolling over on her or something. It is way harder to feed her on the go and in person. (I do like the nursing covers though especially multi-purpose ones) 

I want to give up every day but for some reason I keep breast feeding. I think it is because I felt so judged when I formula fed my son. I also am older and have more self control and will power than I did 6 years ago. I know there are so many more nutrients provided in breastmilk that they could never put in formula at least not anytime soon.  know that it is more easily digested then formula. I love that my body is the one that supplies the milk for her. (if your supply is low check out this post Lactation cookie reviews)I know that breast feeding reduces the risk of obesity, sids and forms a better bond between baby and I. I also have heard that when exclusively breast feeding you do not get a period! Hopefully this is true. So far it has been.  For right now I will continue to breast feed but I'm not sure if I will make it the whole year.



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