Diaper bag essentials
Today I am going to tell you what I include in my diaper bag. I am going to share with you my favorite items. Feel free to share what you keep in your diaper bags in the comments below.
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Diapering needs
DiaperPampers Swaddlers Disposable Diapers Newborn Size 1 (8-14 lb), 216 Count, ECONOMY PACK PLUS
s- although this one is a given bring one for every hour you will be out and a couple extras just in case.
Wipes- I bring wipes for my baby’s bottom and a different pack for her hands and face althoulkgh most wipes say they are safe for baby’s face and hands.
Diaper rash ointment- you never know when baby may get a rash always be prepared
*Disposable or cloth diaper bags- something for soiled diapers that you can toss in the trash or rewash the bag time and time again.
*Portable changing table- Most diaper bags come with one, but they usually are very thin I’ve decided to use another one.
Feeding needs
Formula dispenser- it allows you to pre-scoop out amounts of formula for each bottle your going to make on the go.
Bottles- bring enough bottles for babies outing.
Breast milk & formula- bring enough for baby’s feeding schedule and a little extra.
*Nursing covers- That way you can feel baby with out being exposed
Bibs- don’t want baby to get food all over their adorable little outfit.
sippy cup- cups with a cover to prevent spills on the go.
Spoons- to feed your child
Bowls- to feed your child
Disposable Placemats- yeah your waitress just wiped down your table but how many other nasty surfaces that rag has touched.
Play time
Toys- small toys rattles, balls and etc. to keep baby busy and occupied.
Teething rings- to help baby’s teeth come through
Books- have baby read a story.
Hand sanitizer- when you are out germs are everywhere. On the people who want to hold your baby on the doors and carts you touch.
Nasal aspiratior- help keep babies nose clear.
Change of clothes- between spit up and diaper leaks I always have a couple extra outfits in my diaper bag and a few pairs of socks too!
Extra blankets- I usually have one blanket covering my baby and keep another in the bag Incase of spit up.
Binkie or pacifier - if you use a pacifier this might be something you don’t want to forget. I always just leave one in the diaper bag
I placed asterisks next to 3 items and I love them all because they all have more then one purpose which makes life a little more convenient
Disposable diaper bags I have a dispenser that clips onto my portable diaper changing table made by munchkin they work to toss dirty diapers in but you can also use them for soiled clothes and you can use them for keeping bottle nipples and pacifiers sanitary.
Portable changing tables I love the one I have it folds up into a bag and also has a zipper that detaches the bag from the changing table. So potentially the bag could be used for anything.
Nursing covers- there are many different types of nursing covers. The type I choose is the multi functioning nursing cover it gives you coverage all around, you can also use it as a car seat cover, an infinity scarf and a shopping cart cover. I can have 4 different uses and only take up a little amount of diaper bag space.
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