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Milk makers lactation cookie review

Milkmakers by munchkin lactation cookie review

I received these from my aunt and cousins at my baby shower. Never heard of such a thing before. The concept was so cool - but they couldn’t actually work could they ?  A cookie that could increase your milk supply definitely could be a scam.

  Back in 2014 I had a lump in  my right breast that was biopsied and removed due to the doctor not being able to rule it out as a possible Phyllodes tumor. Luckily it was not that! Recently I was told that during that procedure one of my milk ducts was cut into and some  was removed.  Which is why my milk production on the right side was not doing as great as the left side so I decided this would be the perfect time to try the cookies that looked so delicious. I mean, who doesn’t love 🍪?

So I grabbed one and ate it, the flavor was oatmeal chocolate chip. The cookie was a little dry but despite that actually wasn’t that bad. I dipped it in some milk moistened it right up (which I don’t like to drink milk as much since it seems silly to drink cows milk to make your own milk)

Do they actually work though? I ate the cookie around 2 pm. I went to bed and there was no change in my supply.  I was sure they didn’t work that night as I went to bed. I was so wrong in the morning I woke up and my breasts were engulfed. My milk supply nearly Trippled in amount.

So yes milkmakers cookies do work! If you are low on your supply this is definitely the way to go. x Click here  to buy some today. 

They do contain dairy, soy and wheat though. There price is $2-3 per cookie which for a pre packed cookie alone seems a little on the expensive side but for a milk making cookie definitely reasonable.
I am not sure if they make lactation cookies for people with special gluten free or vegan free diets. I will try and find out and see if they actually work as well.

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