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Baby sign language

Baby American Sign Language I strongly believe baby sign language can help develop your babies language skills faster than with out it. I taught my son the limited amount of words I knew from birth and at 6 months old he could sign milk and mama and at  9 months old he could sign 5 words and speak 3 at 12 months old he could sign 8 signs and speak 12 words, at 18 months old he could speak 500 words plus sign 30.  I don’t know 500 to teach him but would love to learn. Check out this video for some basic beginners signs when teaching your infants. Milk,mommy,daddy,more and eat I am a stay at home Mom and I make money from Home please look below to  Legit way to make money online at home ! This is my  etsy   shop!  Come check it out !  #soulestunning

My breast feeding Experiences.

Breast Feeding. this post contains affiliate links. I amazon associate and earn from qualifying purchases. buy your nipple beanie in my  etsy shop today! When I tried breast feeding my 6 year old I was 20 and probably way to young to have children. I wasn't a teenager but I didn't have much established. I was living in Colorado mostly with different people. No where I could actually provide a safe and stable environment to raise a child. So I then moved to Missouri and planned to stay there with a very supportive, loving, kind family. I decided not to after a month or so and my bestfriend flew to St. Louis and came and got me and I moved back into my Mother's house. I delivered my first child in Brockton MA. My mom did not breast feed me. I didn't really know how to and I tried to but I gave up very easily. He was formula fed. Now I am 26 years old. I have a daughter who will be 3 months old on the 11th of June. She is exclusively breast fed. I am go...

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